Marien González-Hidalgo
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
Environmental dispossession, climate change, extractivism and environmental conflicts hurt: they affect the bodies and emotions of the people who sustain them daily in the territories. There are more and more studies that report the impacts on the psychosocial health of individuals and communities in relation to current environmental changes and challenges. This workshop seeks to collectively elaborate the role of emotions in the context of mobilizations for territorial, environmental and climate justice. There are numerous experiences of groups that develop emotional healing strategies as a way to support local communities exposed to territorial, environmental and climatic impacts and injustices. This daily work is what allows them, in many cases, to sustain environmental suffering while embracing hope in their mobilization. But, where do we situate ourselves as academics, or as scholar-activists? What role does the emotional have in our work? And how do we handle it? Through individual and collective dynamics, this workshop seeks to analyze and discuss the role of emotions in our work. Thus, it seeks to collectively define how socio-ecological transitions can be thought, acted and felt as processes that are, also, emotional.